Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Consumerism gone crazy?

As scary as this reveals itself to be, we love this project.
I think for a lot of people, images are way more powerful than a book full of stats.

See if you can guess what each image is before you check out the website - link below...

guess what

guess what

guess what


maasik said...


its great Sonne!

Udjathorus said...

Chris Jordan is a great contemporary artist, I wish he would get more his work


MTV on Climate Change? Funny. Yes, images are important, better than stats. See my YouTube video under "global warming heats up" or see my blog for more. I am calling for POLAR CITIES. Now. But in the future, if we don't get off our tucheses now, we are gonna be in big troublce and there will be NO MTV. See my rant here: climatechange3000.blogspot,com

Latinos hagamos Swich!! said...

Hola es bueno que MTV la cadena de television mas vista por la juventu empiese con este tipo de movimientos los felisito... solo espero q todos aquellos artistas q nunca han movido un dedo para ayudar un poco al habiente tenga en cuenta que ahora tenemos a MTV q nos informara de todo lo q hagan mal recuerden usted estan hay por nosotros de la noche a la maƱana se pueden caer

Unknown said...

I think that consumerism is a huge problem in America. If we weren't so greedy and demanding for more and more of unnecessary items we wouldn't be in the state of economic crisis we are in and a little less pollution might be in our air if we had said no to a few private jets and gas guzzling SUVs. In my opinion the best way to take care of the environment is to say no to things we don't need. I don't NEED to take a steaming hot 20 minute shower. I don't NEED to drive somewhere I can walk or ride my bike to. I don't NEED to turn up the air conditioning to polar temperatures when I can open up the windows and be just fine. It's very possible to be content with our lives without living in excess.

Unknown said...

I see that the website is so helpfull in raising awareness about climate change. The fact that it is endorsed by MTV gives a positive image about the Channel and its role in shaping public opinion.

germine said...

MTV channels are astonishing!!!!

Unknown said...

keep going guys
its one of the best campaigns in the history
we can change the world system to be better world to live in, all that could happen if we can change our minds and our ideas.

hagar said...

I hope to get a real change with people because it is a good campaign.hobe to mtv to be more creaive

margarita hassan said...

keep on what you are doing.. we still have chance for better future.

AL-IRAQI said...

MTV channel led a successful campaign to save the environment and showed to us the life is nice and we should work hard to beautifula life We must work constantly to the sustainability of life for a better life. I hope that the safety and security to prevail in the world. and I hope the world live in peace.. ABD ALLATOF MOFAK .

Menna said...

it's nice but can be more better...

tomour said...

i guess it's good it would make a good change but we need more and better things.

Abanob talaat said...
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Abanob talaat said...
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Abanob talaat said...

it is one of the best campaigns all over the world, it can change the world.

Ramzy Alaa said...

This is such an amazing idea!!
i like it coz there r many people dont care about the climate change.
n we have to aware them for better life :)

Unknown said...

I think MTV think green is an amazing idea, with a lot of thoughtfull palns put into it.. people needed somthing like that to start seeing what is happening around them, and wake up and take their roll in this world for each person got his own roll and it is his choice wither to take it or not!:)

Multimaven said...

The visuals truly are more effective than statistics.