Hi there! we're writing from mexico city and would like to share our project with you: http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=45XZRIUN_8Q
in english!! we're off to patagonia on a biobus to raise awareness on global warming... a latinamerican project... help us make more noise!! www.laboratorioenmovimiento.com
I really like the new website. The design is very interactive and easy to comprehend. However, the news on the home page needs to be updated. There is soo much happening right now in the country and the world,especially with Obama's plan to invest $150 billion over the next 10 years into research and development of renewable energy sources.With Barack Obama taking office on Tuesday that news page should be full of current news and happenings!
It was required that I view the site and leave a comment in the comment section. Although the site is very interactive and the site has a great design, the information on it needs to be updated.
I also had to view the website and evaluate it. I think you guys are dong an excellent job in communicating with your demographic. The layout of the website and the mediums available for viewing were apropos for your target age group.
Hey! I also had to write an evaluation on your website and the thing that stood out to me were your videos of Lolo and then the Brad and Earth skits. I thought those were creative ways to give the 18-24 age group friendly eco-friendly reminders! :)
I thought your site was comprehensive and well laid out. I would also have to agree with some of the other comments that said it needs to be updated. I do think it does a good job of appealing to the younger generation however. I like the fact that there is an option to leave comments so that kids everywhere can see what their peers are saying and doing about the environment.
I like the MTVswitch website, but I think they need to work on getting their name out there. MTV definitely knows how to make an impact on its target audience once they have the audiences attention, but I had no idea about this website until I had this assignment. The website has great tools such as the carbon calculator and entertaining, short videos. I also like the graphic design and easy-to-follow layout.
I really enjoyed this website. I am writing on here as an assignment for a class but I think more college students should read the information this website offers. I really liked on the actions page how you gave a thing to change, a reason why and a quirky thing at the end. This part of the website really pointed out how there a lot of little changes that make a big difference.
I had to evaluate this website for a class and i must say I really liked the ACTIONS link that showed all the tips people can do instead of what we normally do. The videos cracked me up because with some people it is so true!! I would like to see the billboards appear over in the U.S and other places as well. I think this website is a great way to get the message across youth and encourage them to get involved.
I must say that the new website is very attractive, the design is great and the idea is phenominal, but the way of putting the plan through wasn't really that practical.
The idea of the site is extraordinary for the enviromental lovers and also the design was very intriguing. However the coordination of the blogs was tiresome to maneuver with .
I also had to publish my comment regarding the site. Yes, it is a smart and excellent idea that shows MTV is just not a money-making business. I particularly liked the Carbon Calculator tool, which is an excellent effort to keep us aware of what causes environmental damage in our day-to-day lives.
This new and improvd website "MTV SWITCH" is great! It has wonderful options such as the Carbon Calculator that's a true reality check to a lot of people. Also the saving energy alternatives are very useful for daily life. Thanks for improving this website and giving our globe's youth tips on how to save the enviornment.
I think this website is what we really need to know we all should care about our planet and not to consume it to its a brilliant idea from MTV to publish a site like this one and to be so caring about our planet so thank you MTV
I really like the videos and saving energy alternatives. I think the website is clever and attracts people and interesting as well. It makes teenagers want to be effective citizens towards theit country.
Global climate change is a very good idea.The website is really attractive with full of pictures.Actually it makes people realize the importnace to take positive actions towards Global climate change.
I liked this webesite so much. I think it is so exiting and usefull for every body. it will protect us and the environment from that global warming and it will make our life better and we will be savvy persons
its very important to respect mother nature so it can respect us in return and give us a healthy enviroment. This is why this website drew my attention and made me realize that MTV with its entertainment target is a very useful site.
I found the MTV campaign is a very wonderful and useful campaign that try to make the life around us better more than that. And try also to change the global climate that we used to live in the last period.
the website is very intersting, it motivates people to change and it raises peoples awarness to this particular issue. it motivates people to take positive action against the issue.
the website is very intersting, it motivates people to change and it raises peoples awarness to this particular issue. it motivates people to take positive action against the issue.
I am posting this comment as a response to your website and as a class assignment for Northwood University- MKT 240.
Your web design is awesome. I found it interesting, informative and challenging. I appreciate the fresh perspective and the world outlook on the issue of climate change. I loved the mini videos regarding conserving energy and just the overall basic challenge to attempt and conserve this gift that we have been given that is known as Earth.
Thank you to everyone who worked on this project. I am a little distressed that I was unaware of the campaign until this class assignment.
I enjoyed this website! I am also doing writing here as an assignment for class. I think that the information was really interesting and organized in an easy/fun way to view. The actions link was fun to look at little tips that are easy to do each day to help out! I just think with the great information and plan you guys have, you need to get your name out there more!
i really like the website and the theme is very catchy, I also love the videos ,and it made me want to take positive actions towards global climate change..
I am loving this site! The diversity, global appeal and awesome tips for everyday living are helpful and enlightening. I especially loved the Carbon Calculator (though I didn't love my score). I would definitely recommend this site to anyone who is trying to live eco-friendly.
I am new to the web-site, and even though I dont know much about blogging I found this site to be interesting. I am from Buffalo New York, and I like the social movement that this blog has to offer. With all due respect to the web I will just observe for now, I dont want to express my opionion until I learn more about this direct model.
I was required to view this MTVSwitch website and then post a message to the blog. I thorougly enjoyed the website. I thought that it was full of great information. However, it is really in need of an update.
I am required for a class to leave a comment on this blog. When I first viewed mtvswitch.org, I was disappointed and bored. I think that if there were photographs of glaciers, endangered animals, or the harmful effects of global warming, the website would have been much more enticing.
I am required to comment on this blog for my class. While your website is very easy to navigate and provides a lot of suggestions to contribute to the effort, the website does not really address the issues present in the climate control crisis. Perhaps on the links page MTV could provide additional links to news articles explaining the sources of the problems.
Eh, aesthetically the site is nice, but I feel like the site could use more frequent updating. If MTV is so passionate about climate change as they say they are, then there should be news stories on the site everyday.
Eh, aesthetically the site is nice, but I feel like the site could use more frequent updating. If MTV is so passionate about climate change as they say they are, then why aren't there news stories everyday? In my opinion, this seems like one of those failed projects that giant companies do just to say "we did it".
Well said, S.M. Campbell. MTV is quoted as being the worlds largest TV network, yet the blog for its largest campaign is a free website, curated by no one, updated arbitrarily every few months. I was personally expecting more but then again it doesn't matter. The website www.mtvswitch.org is a little nicer, I guess.
Achamos muito bacana a iniciativa de vocês em criar uma campanha como essa. A MTV é uma emissora muito importante, e é muito interessante usar toda essa influência para difundir um assunto que é tão falado atualmente como a preservação ambiental. Outro ponto interessante é que a campanha foi criada em 2007 e nesse ano as pessoas nem falavam tanto no assunto, então vemos a MTV como pioneira nessa questão, por trazer um assunto tão polêmico para rede nacional e, além disso, se preocupar em difundir também na internet. É uma pena que o blog tenha parado de ser atualizado, pois apesar dos anos, a campanha ainda é muito atual.
Achamos muito bacana a iniciativa de vocês em criar uma campanha como essa. A MTV é uma emissora muito importante, e é muito interessante usar toda essa influência para difundir um assunto que é tão falado atualmente como a preservação ambiental. Outro ponto interessante é que a campanha foi criada em 2007 e nesse ano as pessoas nem falavam tanto no assunto, então vemos a MTV como pioneira nessa questão, por trazer um assunto tão polêmico para rede nacional e, além disso, se preocupar em difundir também na internet. É uma pena que o blog tenha parado de ser atualizado, pois apesar dos anos, a campanha ainda é muito atual.
Hi there! we're writing from mexico city and would like to share our project with you:
in english!! we're off to patagonia on a biobus to raise awareness on global warming... a latinamerican project... help us make more noise!!
I really like the new website. The design is very interactive and easy to comprehend. However, the news on the home page needs to be updated.
There is soo much happening right now in the country and the world,especially with Obama's plan to invest $150 billion over the next 10 years into research and development of renewable energy sources.With Barack Obama taking office on Tuesday that news page should be full of current news and happenings!
It was required that I view the site and leave a comment in the comment section. Although the site is very interactive and the site has a great design, the information on it needs to be updated.
I also had to view the website and evaluate it. I think you guys are dong an excellent job in communicating with your demographic. The layout of the website and the mediums available for viewing were apropos for your target age group.
Hey! I also had to write an evaluation on your website and the thing that stood out to me were your videos of Lolo and then the Brad and Earth skits. I thought those were creative ways to give the 18-24 age group friendly eco-friendly reminders! :)
I thought your site was comprehensive and well laid out. I would also have to agree with some of the other comments that said it needs to be updated. I do think it does a good job of appealing to the younger generation however. I like the fact that there is an option to leave comments so that kids everywhere can see what their peers are saying and doing about the environment.
I like the MTVswitch website, but I think they need to work on getting their name out there. MTV definitely knows how to make an impact on its target audience once they have the audiences attention, but I had no idea about this website until I had this assignment. The website has great tools such as the carbon calculator and entertaining, short videos. I also like the graphic design and easy-to-follow layout.
I really enjoyed this website. I am writing on here as an assignment for a class but I think more college students should read the information this website offers. I really liked on the actions page how you gave a thing to change, a reason why and a quirky thing at the end. This part of the website really pointed out how there a lot of little changes that make a big difference.
I had to evaluate this website for a class and i must say I really liked the ACTIONS link that showed all the tips people can do instead of what we normally do. The videos cracked me up because with some people it is so true!! I would like to see the billboards appear over in the U.S and other places as well. I think this website is a great way to get the message across youth and encourage them to get involved.
I must say that the new website is very attractive, the design is great and the idea is phenominal, but the way of putting the plan through wasn't really that practical.
The idea of the site is extraordinary for the enviromental lovers and also the design was very intriguing. However the coordination of the blogs was tiresome to maneuver with .
I also had to publish my comment regarding the site. Yes, it is a smart and excellent idea that shows MTV is just not a money-making business. I particularly liked the Carbon Calculator tool, which is an excellent effort to keep us aware of what causes environmental damage in our day-to-day lives.
I think that the website is very original and eye attracting which holds the interest of teenagers and young adults..Good job!
This new and improvd website "MTV SWITCH" is great! It has wonderful options such as the Carbon Calculator that's a true reality check to a lot of people. Also the saving energy alternatives are very useful for daily life. Thanks for improving this website and giving our globe's youth tips on how to save the enviornment.
I think this website is what we really need to know we all should care about our planet and not to consume it to its a brilliant idea from MTV to publish a site like this one and to be so caring about our planet so thank you MTV
I really like the videos and saving energy alternatives. I think the website is clever and attracts people and interesting as well. It makes teenagers want to be effective citizens towards theit country.
the website is very eye catchiing and it motivates people to take positive actions towards global climate changes.
Global climate change is a very good idea.The website is really attractive with full of pictures.Actually it makes people realize the importnace to take positive actions towards Global climate change.
I think that the website is very interesting.. It encourage people to take positive actions towards global climate change..
I liked this webesite so much. I think it is so exiting and usefull for every body. it will protect us and the environment from that global warming and it will make our life better and we will be savvy persons
I really like the idea of the new website, and i like the videos.
It's make the people know how the global climate change is very importnat.
its very important to respect mother nature so it can respect us in return and give us a healthy enviroment. This is why this website drew my attention and made me realize that MTV with its entertainment target is a very useful site.
I found the MTV campaign is a very wonderful and useful campaign that try to make the life around us better more than that. And try also to change the global climate that we used to live in the last period.
I think the website is very eye catching and helps people take action towards global climate change.
the website is very intersting, it motivates people to change and it raises peoples awarness to this particular issue. it motivates people to take positive action against the issue.
the website is very intersting, it motivates people to change and it raises peoples awarness to this particular issue. it motivates people to take positive action against the issue.
The design is very interactive and very eye catchin. it helps people motivate and take action towards the issue.
it was a good website and they reach to the people easyly
i think the website is well laid out and its very eyecatching.
it also discuses the environments problems and that is what the people need.
the layout of the website is very organized and makes the people feel comfortable when reading the problems.
I am posting this comment as a response to your website and as a class assignment for Northwood University- MKT 240.
Your web design is awesome. I found it interesting, informative and challenging. I appreciate the fresh perspective and the world outlook on the issue of climate change. I loved the mini videos regarding conserving energy and just the overall basic challenge to attempt and conserve this gift that we have been given that is known as Earth.
Thank you to everyone who worked on this project. I am a little distressed that I was unaware of the campaign until this class assignment.
Thank you-
I enjoyed this website! I am also doing writing here as an assignment for class. I think that the information was really interesting and organized in an easy/fun way to view. The actions link was fun to look at little tips that are easy to do each day to help out! I just think with the great information and plan you guys have, you need to get your name out there more!
i think the site is very intersting and it can easily touch the person's mind and soul...i hope more people would know about it...
i really like the website and the theme is very catchy, I also love the videos ,and it made me want to take positive actions towards global climate change..
Great site and program. Please keep updating!
I am loving this site! The diversity, global appeal and awesome tips for everyday living are helpful and enlightening. I especially loved the Carbon Calculator (though I didn't love my score). I would definitely recommend this site to anyone who is trying to live eco-friendly.
I am new to the web-site, and even though I dont know much about blogging I found this site to be interesting. I am from Buffalo New York, and I like the social movement that this blog has to offer. With all due respect to the web I will just observe for now, I dont want to express my opionion until I learn more about this direct model.
I was required to view this MTVSwitch website and then post a message to the blog. I thorougly enjoyed the website. I thought that it was full of great information. However, it is really in need of an update.
I am required for a class to leave a comment on this blog. When I first viewed mtvswitch.org, I was disappointed and bored. I think that if there were photographs of glaciers, endangered animals, or the harmful effects of global warming, the website would have been much more enticing.
I am required to comment on this blog for my class. While your website is very easy to navigate and provides a lot of suggestions to contribute to the effort, the website does not really address the issues present in the climate control crisis. Perhaps on the links page MTV could provide additional links to news articles explaining the sources of the problems.
I think this website is a great way to get the youth involved in saving the environment.
Eh, aesthetically the site is nice, but I feel like the site could use more frequent updating. If MTV is so passionate about climate change as they say they are, then there should be news stories on the site everyday.
Eh, aesthetically the site is nice, but I feel like the site could use more frequent updating. If MTV is so passionate about climate change as they say they are, then why aren't there news stories everyday? In my opinion, this seems like one of those failed projects that giant companies do just to say "we did it".
Well said, S.M. Campbell. MTV is quoted as being the worlds largest TV network, yet the blog for its largest campaign is a free website, curated by no one, updated arbitrarily every few months. I was personally expecting more but then again it doesn't matter. The website www.mtvswitch.org is a little nicer, I guess.
Nice post and good article ★★come to my site too and leave your coment please ★★
Berjalan Tanpamu By ariewayq
Achamos muito bacana a iniciativa de vocês em criar uma campanha como essa. A MTV é uma emissora muito importante, e é muito interessante usar toda essa influência para difundir um assunto que é tão falado atualmente como a preservação ambiental.
Outro ponto interessante é que a campanha foi criada em 2007 e nesse ano as pessoas nem falavam tanto no assunto, então vemos a MTV como pioneira nessa questão, por trazer um assunto tão polêmico para rede nacional e, além disso, se preocupar em difundir também na internet. É uma pena que o blog tenha parado de ser atualizado, pois apesar dos anos, a campanha ainda é muito atual.
Achamos muito bacana a iniciativa de vocês em criar uma campanha como essa. A MTV é uma emissora muito importante, e é muito interessante usar toda essa influência para difundir um assunto que é tão falado atualmente como a preservação ambiental.
Outro ponto interessante é que a campanha foi criada em 2007 e nesse ano as pessoas nem falavam tanto no assunto, então vemos a MTV como pioneira nessa questão, por trazer um assunto tão polêmico para rede nacional e, além disso, se preocupar em difundir também na internet. É uma pena que o blog tenha parado de ser atualizado, pois apesar dos anos, a campanha ainda é muito atual.
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